2 Year Old Pre-Kinder Program
Entry age: children preferably turn 2 years old by the end of June of the commencement year

2 Year Old classes run Mondays to Fridays with an option of coming 2 to 5 mornings a week.
Our Pre-Kinder Program is a fun-filled morning of socialising, engaging activities and scaffolded learning. The children spend their mornings moving through Bubbles’ specialised learning spaces where they are encouraged to try all sorts of activities, work together with their peers, share resources and ideas, and follow instructions in a classroom-like setting.
The Pre-Kinder Program at Bubbles offers 2 year old children an opportunity to experience being in a stimulating learning environment and to participate as a valued member of a group.
Toddlers are naturally curious and active explorers. They have an innate desire to make sense of their world. Toddlers acquire knowledge about their physical and social worlds through playful interactions with people and objects. It is for this reason that children’s play is the primary vehicle for learning and development.
The Pre-Kinder Program constitutes a two part approach. One is to offer children an extensive range of activities, projects and stimuli, and the other is to assist and support their physical, cognitive and emotional development.
We do this by:
• Building trusting relationships between each child, their family and their teachers.
• Guiding children to play and learn co-operatively with their peers.
• Encouraging positive behaviour and interactions, such as sharing and being respectful and kind to one another.
• Fostering the beginning stages of independence eg. feeding themselves.
• Encouraging imaginative/inventive play.
• Supporting and encouraging each child in every possible aspect in a warm and loving environment.
Routine: As we know, children enjoy variety but thrive when in the context of a routine. The Pre-Kinder Program follows a flexible routine, eg. free play time - creative art - snack - songs/story time etc and children enjoy variety within these units.